Sunday, May 17, 2009

Stills and Young Band, Hartford, CT

Performers: Stills & Young Band
Date: July, 1976
Venue: Colt Park, Hartford, CT
cost of ticket: N/A

Wow, I can't believe I went to see them again. Oh yeah, where were the other two?

Did you see this concert? If so, please leave your memories, comments, thoughts and ideas . . .


Anonymous said...

Went there, remember, sitting up on a beautiful July day when the band started and seeing two of absolutely everything on stage. Mic stands, people, drums, cables, you name it, it was double! Laid back down and grooved to the sounds rest of day too scared to look again for what I might see this time. One on Timothy Leary's concoctions was to help with the "special effects" I was experiencing.
After the show, was the what would turn out to be only time in my life I admitted to being too wasted to drive, a friend and neighbor got us all home safely (Thanks Ken).
Dont know about the show, but it was a good trip (to Conn. that is,,,,,).

Anonymous said...

I was at the back of the crowd before the days of Big Screens. The most you could see of Stills/Young was one black dot and one white dot.

Speakers went out in the middle of the show and crowd started making noise. Performers got upset and telling the crowd to be quiet.
